Mobile Advertising | As more and more people refer to their smartphones for social engagement, mobile advertising has become an effective way to reach consumers. However, many people get frustrated by the banner ads and pop-ups that infiltrate their web searches and social media scans.
What marketers are realizing more is that mobile advertising expands above and beyond banner ads, and as consumers are spending a fourth of their day on their phones, it’s a great area to tap in to. According to SingleGrain.com, here are the 10 best mobile advertising tools to help promote your business. Click on the links to learn more!:
Tie users to the ads they interact with; prevent fraud; measure campaign performance; boost retention rate; combine campaign and event data to understand trends; get insights. https://www.adjust.com/
Unify mobile experiences; scale your network; reduce marketing risk. https://www.tune.com/
Mobile attribution; marketing analytics; deep linking; connect to an ecosystem; Protect360. https://www.appsflyer.com/
Messaging workflows; subscriber segmenting, analytics and profiles; merge tags; developer API; messaging automation and analytics; mobile messaging API; admin controls; integrations. https://www.tatango.com/
Run effective campaigns; monetize your app with recognizable brands; glean dynamic insights on mobile audiences; receive real value from brands. http://www.kiip.me/
Facebook Mobile Ads
Get more people to install and engage with your app. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/app-ads
Connects people with local businesses and business owners with their communities. https://biz.yelp.com/advertise
Advertise on mobile, and be known everywhere. http://www.adagogo.com/
Analytics; predictions; user database; integrations; attribution; APIs; In-App Places; inbox; remarketing; True Impact; A/B testing; uninstall tracking; funnels. https://www.localytics.com/
Generate more sales; engage shoppers with premium publishers; personalized video ads to retarget shoppers; machine learning technology; connect with shoppers across screens; help shoppers find products they haven’t seen. https://www.criteo.com/
While these platforms offer some different features, they all have one goal in common: to improve your business by engaging with people across mobile devices. Take your business to the next level with mobile advertising.
Haran, R. (2016, December 08). 10 Best Mobile Advertising Tools to Promote Your Business.
Retrieved January 28, 2019, from https://www.singlegrain.com/blog-posts/mobile/10-best-mobile-advertising-tools-to-promote-your-business/